Clarks Breeze Emily - White

By Clarks

$79.98 CAD

SKU 26171368

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Clarks Breeze Emily is a stylish, perforated casual shoe that features a soft, taupe textile upper and Cushion Soft™ foam footbed for lasting comfort and shock absorption. The flexible EVA footbed provides an ultra-soft feel while the outsole grants a reliable grip. 

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Textile Upper
Perforated Design
Textile Lining
Cushion Soft™ Foam Footbed
Gripped Outsole For Traction

Heel Height: Less Than 1"

SKU: 26171368
Occasion: Casual
Style: Slip-On 
Toe Style: Round Toe

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Throughout Clarks' history, they have been shaped by the past two centuries and continue to move towards the future. Their innovative approach has led to the creation of the first foot-shaped shoe and made significant strides in comfort technology. They are proud to collaborate with diverse cultures and be at the forefront of societal progress. They are dedicated to pushing boundaries and evolving in the ever-changing world.

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