Billy Leather Comfort Low - Black

By Billy

$124.98 CAD

SKU BM20100-001-BLACK

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Billy Leather Comfort Low sneaker features a wraparound zipper for quick on and off. These sneakers offer a roomy fit and are crafted from real leather, have removable insoles for a customizable fit, and feature a rubber outsole for traction. 

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Leather Upper
Manmade Leather/Mesh Lining
Wraparound Zipper For Easy On/Off
Removable Insole
EVA Foam Midsole
Rubber Tread Outsole

Heel Height: Less Than 1"

SKU: BM20100-001-BLACK
Occasion: Casual
Style: Lace-Up Sneaker
Toe Style: Round Toe
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It is clear that the world is ready for greater inclusion in fashion. Everybody is unique and we all want to express ourselves and feel confident. BILLY Footwear is proud to be a part of this movement.  Introducing the first-ever adaptive shoes designed for people with limited mobility. Billy's co-founder's personal experience with paralysis inspired them to create stylish shoes that are easy to put on and take off independently. With 100% universal design, anyone can enjoy the benefits of comfort and accessibility.

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